Shedding Light on Low Vision with Dr. Steven Schoenbart, OD (Ep. 118)
Do you have trouble seeing clearly? Low vision refers to anything less than 20/20, accompanied by some sort of blur, or loss of vision. To help correct it, there are a number of helpful solutions available, such as different types of lenses, adjusting your diet, reviewing your overall health and bloodwork with your family doctor and mineral supplements.
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In this episode, Larry Heller, CFP®, is joined by Dr. Steven Schoenbart, OD, the founder of Schoenbart Vision Care in Garden City, New York. He has been practicing in the optical industry since 1978, and is currently New York State certified in low vision rehabilitative optometry.
Join Larry and Dr. Steven as they discuss:
- Why low vision cannot be corrected with standard eyeglasses
- How you can improve the onset of macular degeneration
- What contributes to vision loss, and eye disease.
- How magnifiers and telescopes can improve low vision
- And more
Connect With Dr. Steven Schoenbart:
- Schoenbart Vision Care
- (516) 794-0704
- Low Vision of New York
- (888) 393-8266
- LinkedIn: Steven Schoenbart
Connect With Larry Heller:
- (631) 248-3600
- Schedule a 20-Minute Call
- Heller Wealth Management
About Our Guest:
Dr. Steve Schoenbart, OD, prescribes spectacle mounted, miniature telescopic glasses to help restore the ability to read, drive, see faces & use the computer again. Low Vision devices For Macular Degeneration, Diabetes, non operative cataracts, Ocular Albinism & other eye diseases causing Vision Loss.