Business Transition
After a lifetime of pouring everything into building a business–from humble startup to going concern to thriving, established enterprise–the decision to hand the reins to the next generation (or the keys to a new owner), is neither easy nor simple.
Like everything else in business, the best laid plans are those that are strategic, sensible, manageable and measurable. Most important is identifying and understanding the benefits, costs, legal requirements and potential liabilities of an outright sale, family succession or partial relinquishment of ownership.
Creating a sale or succession plan that covers all the bases ( and lets you sleep at night ) is a key area of our expertise. Aside from ensuring that every ‘i’ is dotted and every ‘t’ is crossed, we coordinate and work closely with your legal and tax professionals so that all financial implications and obligations are fully understood – and accounted for. All with an eye toward you fully benefiting–both short-term and long–from the fruits of your labor.
For owners seeking financial planning for sale of a business we:
- Collaborate with experienced valuators and assessment professionals to develop an accurate valuation of the business.
- Identify tax implications and obligations of proposed sale or purchase agreements and present strategies to reduce and minimize tax liabilities.
- Work directly with your legal counsel to assure compliance with and provision of all required financial documents and statements.
- Initiate discussions and planning for what comes next—whether it’s retirement, building your dream home, or starting another business.
- Discuss and recommend how best to invest your proceeds to ensure you remain financially secure and resilient. For life.
- Our financial planning for sale of a business will help guide you through the process from start to finish.